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New Book Next Year! Slow Kingdom Coming

New Book Next Year! Slow Kingdom Coming

Hi, friends. Quick note to state the obvious: I’ve been very quiet on here for the past, well, long time. I didn’t stop writing though. I was working on a new book. The first draft is done and I’ll be finishing revisions over the next couple of...
Exploring the Extremes

Exploring the Extremes

I like exploring at extremes, whether it’s trying to push my own limits or understanding someone else’s. A few recent thoughts: In the spring I traveled to Bangkok to write about people living and working in slums around the world. I wrote a cover story...
Remember You Will Die (It Helps You to be Alive)

Remember You Will Die (It Helps You to be Alive)

Just before the earthquake, Père, the grandfather of the Woshdlo family I first lived with in Haiti, pulled me aside to tell me about the latest project he was starting. As usual he was barefoot, in tattered slacks and a partly shredded button-down shirt that he wears...