Tribute to Danm

  Danm’s funeral is this afternoon. She was the grandmother of the family who Shelly and I lived with when we first moved to Haiti, with whom we’ve stayed very close for these past ten years. I wrote about Danm in my first book, especially in a...

Do You Know How a Baby Comes Out?

My brother and sister-in-law just had a baby (yea!). He told my almost 8-year-old daughter and I the story on speaker phone. It was special to listen together. After hanging up, I realized that we (her parents) had neglected to tell my daughter quite how the whole...

My Hypocrisy, To Dust?

“From dust you were formed, to dust you shall return.” Those are the Ash Wednesday words. Ashes were rubbed in a cross on my forehead. Maybe on yours too. I gave up soda for Lent. The weeks leading up were busy. Ash Wednesday was here; I hadn’t given...