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My thoughts, prayers, and work, my sadness and hope, are with people in Haiti today. I’ll be there all next week. A few links while reflecting on the earthquake and the two years since:

1. Today I did a “two years later” interview on Patheos that is here.

2. This prayer I wrote for the Washington Post a year ago, and I think it’s still my prayer: here.

3. Check out our two year updates on our Haiti Partners work here. My friend and colleague John doing a great 2-minute video report.

4. Also as a kind of prayer/psalm, you could watch this 2-minute After Shock video either over on the right side of this page or here.

5. Read the Spirit is rerunning an interview I’d done with them. Was a good conversation: here.

6. I’m on Miami’s PBS TV station for a panel discussion today. Will add a link when it airs and is online.